- [23’IJCAI] Xuan Shen, Zhenglun Kong, Minghai Qin, Peiyan Dong, Geng Yuan, Xin Meng, Hao Tang, Xiaolong Ma, Yanzhi Wang, “Data Level Lottery Ticket Hypothesis for Vision Transformers“, in Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI, 2023).
- [23’ICLR] [Spotlight] Sheng Li*, Geng Yuan*, Yue Dai*, Youtao Zhang, Yanzhi Wang, Xulong Tang, “SmartFRZ: An Efficient Training Framework using Attention-Based Layer Freezing”, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, 2023).
- [23’ICLR] Sizhe Chen, Geng Yuan, Xinwen Cheng, Yifan Gong, Minghai Qin, Yanzhi Wang, Xiaolin Huang, “Self-Ensemble Protection: Training Checkpoints Are Good Data Protectors”, in Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR, 2023).
- [23’DATE] Sung-En Chang*, Geng Yuan*, Alec Lu, Mengshu Sun, Yanyu Li, Xiaolong Ma, Zhengang Li, Yanyue Xie, Minghai Qin, Xue Lin, Zhenman Fang and Yanzhi Wang, “ESRU: Extremely Low-Bit and Hardware-Efficient Stochastic Rounding Unit Design for 8-Bit DNN Training”, in Proceedings of the 26th Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE, 2023).
- [23’AAAI] Zhenglun Kong, Haoyu Ma, Geng Yuan, Mengshu Sun, Yanyue Xie, and, “Peeling the Onion: Hierarchical Reduction of Data Redundancy for Efficient Vision Transformer Training”, in Proceedings of the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, 2023).
- [23’AAAI] Yanyu Li, Changdi Yang, Pu Zhao, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, and, “Towards Real-Time Seg- mentation on the Edge”, submitted and under review in the 37th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, 2023).
- [22’NeurIPS] Geng Yuan*, Yanyu Li*, Sheng Li, Zhenglun Kong, Sergey Tulyakov, Xulong Tang, Yanzhi Wang, Jian Ren, “Layer Freezing & Data Sieving: Missing Pieces of a Generic Framework for Sparse Training”, in Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2022).
- [22’NeurIPS] Yanyu Li*, Geng Yuan*, Yang Wen, Ju Hu, Georgios Evangelidis, Sergey Tulyakov, Yanzhi Wang, Jian Ren, “EfficientFormer: Vision Transformers at MobileNet Speed”, in Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2022).
- [22’NeurIPS] Zifeng Wang, Zheng Zhan, Yifan Gong, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Tong Jian, Bin Ren, Stratis Ioannidis, Yanzhi Wang, Jennifer Dy, “SparCL: Sparse Continual Learning on the Edge”, in Proceedings of the 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2022).
- [22’ECCV] Geng Yuan, Sung-En Chang, Qing Jin, Alec Lu, Yanyu Li, Yushu Wu, Zhenglun Kong, Yanyue Xie, Peiyan Dong, Minghai Qin, Xiaolong Ma, Xulong Tang, Zhenman Fang, Yanzhi Wang “You Already Have It: A Generator-Free Low-Precision DNN Training Framework using Stochastic Rounding”, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV, 2022).
- [22’TECS Journal] Geng Yuan, Peiyan Dong, Mengshu Sun, Wei Niu, Zhengang Li, Yuxuan Cai, Yanyu Li, Jun Liu, Weiwen Jiang, Xue Lin, Bin Ren, Xulong Tang, Yanzhi Wang, “Mobile or FPGA? A Comprehen- sive Evaluation on Energy Efficiency and a Unified Optimization Framework”, in ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS, 2022).
- [22’TODAES Journal] Yifan Gong, Geng Yuan, Zheng Zhan, Wei Niu, Zhengang Li, Pu Zhao, Yuxuan Cai, Sijia Liu, Bin Ren, Xue Lin, Xulong Tang, Yanzhi Wang, “Automatic Mapping of the Best-Suited DNN Pruning Schemes for Real-Time Mobile Acceleration”, in ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (TODAES, 2022).
- [22’DATE]SiyueWang*,GengYuan*,XiaolongMa,YanyuLi,XueLin,BhavyaKailkhura,“Fault-tolerant deep neural networks for processing-in-memory based autonomous edge systems”, in Proceedings of the 25th Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE, 2022).
- [22’DAC] Sung-En Chang*, Geng Yuan*, Alec Lu*, Mengshu Sun, Yanyu Li, Xiaolong Ma, Zhengang Li, Yanyue Xie, Minghai Qin, Xue Lin, Zhenman Fang, Yanzhi Wang, “Hardware-efficient stochastic rounding unit design for DNN training: Late Breaking Results”, in Proceedings of the 59th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC, 2022).
- [22’ISQED]XiaolongMa*,GengYuan*,ZhengangLi*,YifanGong,TianyunZhang,WeiNiu,ZhengZhan, Pu Zhao, Ning Liu, Jian Tang, Xue Lin, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, “BLCR: Towards Real-time DNN Execution with Block-based Reweighted Pruning”, in Proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED, 2022).
- [22’WWW] Bingyao Li*, Qi Xue*, Geng Yuan*, Sheng Li, Xiaolong Ma, Yanzhi Wang, Xulong Tang, “Optimizing Data Layout for Training Deep Neural Networks”, in Companion Proceedings of the Web Conference (WWW, 2022).
- [22’CLOUD] Danlin Jia, Geng Yuan, Xue Lin, Ningfang Mi, “A Data-Loader Tunable Knob to Shorten GPU Idleness for Distributed Deep Learning”, in Proceedings of the IEEE 15th International Conference on Cloud Computing (CLOUD, 2022).
- [21’ISCA] Geng Yuan*, Payman Behnam*, Zhengang Li, Ali Shafiei, Sheng Lin, Xiaolong Ma, Hang Liu, Xuehai Qian, Mahdi Nazm Bojnordi, Yanzhi Wang, Caiwen Ding, “FORMS: Fine-grained Polarized ReRAM-based In-situ Computation for Mixed-Signal DNN Accelerator”, in Proceedings of the 48th In- ternational Symposium on Computer Architecture (ISCA, 2021).
- [21’NeurIPS] [Spotlight (Top 3%)] Geng Yuan*, Xiaolong Ma*, Wei Niu, Zhengang Li, Zhenglun Kong, Ning Liu, Yifan Gong, Zheng Zhan, Chaoyang He, Qing Jin, and, “MEST: Accurate and Fast Memory- Economic Sparse Training Framework on the Edge”, in Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2021).
- [21’NeurIPS]XiaolongMa*,GengYuan*,XuanShen,TianlongChen,XuxiChen,XiaohanChen,NingLiu, Minghai Qin, Sijia Liu, Zhangyang Wang, Yanzhi Wang, “Sanity Checks for Lottery Tickets: Does Your Winning Ticket Really Win the Jackpot?”, in Proceedings of the 35th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS, 2021).
- [21’ICML] Ning Liu*, Geng Yuan*, Zhengping Che, Xuan Shen, Xiaolong Ma, Qing Jin, Jian Ren, Jian Tang, Sijia Liu, Yanzhi Wang, “Lottery Ticket Preserves Weight Correlation: Is It Desirable or Not?”, in Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML, 2021).
- [21’DATE] [Best Paper Nomination] Geng Yuan, Payman Behnam, Yuxuan Cai, Ali Shafiee, Jingyan Fu, Zhiheng Liao, Zhengang Li, Xiaolong Ma, Jieren Deng, Jinhui Wang, Mahdi Bojnordi, Yanzhi Wang, Caiwen Ding, “TinyADC: Peripheral Circuit-aware Weight Pruning Framework for Mixed-signal DNN Accel- erators”, in Proceedings of the 24th Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE, 2021).
- [21’CVPR] [Oral Paper (Top 5%)] Zhengang Li*, Geng Yuan*, Wei Niu, Pu Zhao, Yanyu Li, Yuxuan Cai, Xuan Shen, Zheng Zhan, Zhenglun Kong, Qing Jin, Zhiyu Chen, Sijia Liu, Kaiyuan Yang, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, “NPAS: A Compiler-aware Framework of Unified Network Pruning and Architecture Search for Beyond Real-Time Mobile Acceleration”, in Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR, 2021).
- [21’AAAI]YuxuanCai*,GengYuan*,HongjiaLi,WeiNiu,YanyuLi,XulongTang,BinRen,YanzhiWang, “A Compression-Compilation Co-Design Framework Towards Real-Time Object Detection on Mobile Devices”, in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, 2021).
- [21’AAAI] Yuxuan Cai*, Hongjia Li*, Geng Yuan*, Wei Niu, Yanyu Li, Xulong Tang, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, “YOLObile: Real-time object detection on mobile devices via compression-compilation co-design”, in Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI, 2021).
- [21’ISQED] Geng Yuan, Zhiheng Liao, Xiaolong Ma, Yuxuan Cai, Zhenglun Kong, Xuan Shen, Jingyan Fu, Zhengang Li, Chengming Zhang, Hongwu Peng, Ning Liu, Ao Ren, Jinhui Wang, Yanzhi Wang, “Improving DNN Fault Tolerance using Weight Pruning and Differential Crossbar Mapping for ReRAM-based Edge AI”, in Proceedings of the 22th International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED, 2021).
- [21’ICS] Chengming Zhang, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Jiannan Tian, Sian Jin, Donglin Zhuang, Zhe Jiang, Yanzhi Wang, Bin Ren, Shuaiwen Leon Song, Dingwen Tao, “ClickTrain: efficient and accurate end- to-end deep learning training via fine-grained architecture-preserving pruning”, in Proceedings of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS, 2021).
- [21’DAC] Pu Zhao, Geng Yuan, Yuxuan Cai, Wei Niu, Qi Liu, Wujie Wen, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, “Neural Pruning Search for Real-Time Object Detection of Autonomous Vehicles”, in Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 58th Design Automation Conference (DAC, 2021).
- [21’ICLR-HAET] [Best Paper Award] Xiaolong Ma*, Zhengang Li*, Geng Yuan*, Wei Niu, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, “Memory-Bounded Sparse Training on the Edge”, (ICLR 2021 workshop of Hardware-Aware Efficient Training of Deep Learning Models).
- [21’ICCV] Zheng Zhan, Yifan Gong, Pu Zhao, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Yushu Wu, and, “Achieving on- Mobile Real-Time Super-Resolution with Neural Architecture and Pruning Search”, in Proceedings of the international conference on computer vision (ICCV, 2021).
- [21’RTAS] Geng Yuan, Peiyan Dong, Mengshu Sun, Wei Niu, Zhengang Li, and, “Work in progress: Mobile or FPGA? A comprehensive evaluation on energy efficiency and a unified optimization frame- work”, in Proceedings of the IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS, 2021).
- [21’RTAS] Pu Zhao, Wei Niu, Geng Yuan, Yuxuan Cai, Hsin-Hsuan Sung, and, “Industry paper: Towards real-time 3D object detection for autonomous vehicles with pruning search”, in Proceedings of the IEEE 27th Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium (RTAS, 2021).
- [21’ASP-DAC] Hongjia Li, Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Yuxuan Cai, Mengshu Sun, Zhengang Li, Bin Ren, Xue Lin, Yanzhi Wang, “Real-time mobile acceleration of DNNs: From computer vision to medical applica- tions”, in Proceedings of the 26th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC, 2021).
- [21’TNNLS Journal] Xiaolong Ma, Sheng Lin, Shaokai Ye, Zhezhi He, Linfeng Zhang, Geng Yuan, and, “Non-Structured DNN Weight Pruning–Is It Beneficial in Any Platform?”, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS, 2021).
- [21’IJCAI demo] Xuan Shen*, Geng Yuan*, Wei Niu, Xiaolong Ma, Jiexiong Guan, Zhengang Li, Bin Ren, Yanzhi Wang, “Towards Fast and Accurate Multi-Person Pose Estimation on Mobile Devices”, in Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-21) Demonstrations Track.
- [21’ICCAD] Xu, Weizheng, Ashutosh Pattnaik, Geng Yuan, Yanzhi Wang, Youtao Zhang, and Xulong Tang, “ScaleDNN: Data Movement Aware DNN Training on Multi-GPU”, in Proceedings of the 40th Interna- tional Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD, 2021).
- [20’ISLPED] [Design Contest 1st Place Winner] Geng Yuan, Wei Niu, Pu Zhao, Xue Lin, Bin Ren, and Yanzhi Wang, “CoCoPIE: A Framework of Compression-Compilation Co-design Towards Ultra-high Energy Efficiency and Real-Time DNN Inference on Mobile Devices”, IEEE/ACM International Sympo- sium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED, 2020).
- [20’ICCAD] Gongye, Cheng, Hongjia Li, Xiang Zhang, Majid Sabbagh, Geng Yuan, Xue Lin, Thomas Wahl, and Yunsi Fei, “New passive and active attacks on deep neural networks in medical applications”, in Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD, 2020).
- [20’ASP-DAC] Xiaolong Ma, Geng Yuan, Sheng Lin, Caiwen Ding, Fuxun Yu, Tao Liu, Wujie Wen, Xiang Chen, Yanzhi Wang, “Tiny but Accurate: A Pruned, Quantized and Optimized Framework of an Ultra Efficient DNN Device”, in 25th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference (ASP-DAC, 2020).
- [19’ISLPED] Geng Yuan, Xiaolong Ma, Caiwen Ding, Sheng Lin, Tianyun Zhang, Zeinab S. Jalali, Yilong Zhao, Li Jiang, Sucheta Soundarajan, Yanzhi Wang, “An Ultra-Efficient Memristor-Based DNN Frame- work with Structured Pruning and Quantization Using ADMM”, in IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design (ISLPED, 2019).
- [19’NANOARCH] Xiaolong Ma, Geng Yuan, Sheng Lin, Zhengang Li, Yanzhi Wang, “ResNet Can Be Pruned 60x: Introducing Network Purification and Unused Path Removal (P-RM) after Weight Prun- ing”, in 15th IEEE / ACM International Symposium on Nanoscale Architectures (NANOARCH, 2019).
- [18’AAAI] Yanzhi Wang, Caiwen Ding, Zhe Li, Geng Yuan, Siyu Liao, Xiaolong Ma, Bo Yuan, Xuehai Qian, Jian Tang, Qinru Qiu, Xue Lin. “Towards ultra-high performance and energy efficiency of deep learning systems: an algorithm-hardware co-optimization framework”, in AAAI Conference on Artifi- cial Intelligence (AAAI, 2018).
- [18’ISQED] [Best Paper Nomination] Xiaolong Ma, Yipeng Zhang, Geng Yuan, Ao Ren, Zhe Li, Jie Han, Jingtong Hu, Yanzhi Wang. “An Area and Energy Efficient Design of Domain-Wall Memory-Based Deep Convolutional Neural Networks using Stochastic Computing”, in International Symposium on Quality Electronic Design (ISQED, 2018).
- [18’GLSVLSI] Caiwen Ding, Ao Ren, Geng Yuan, Xiaolong Ma, Jiayu Li, Ning Liu, Bo Yuan, Yanzhi Wang. “Structured Weight Matrices-Based Hardware Accelerators in Deep Neural Networks: FPGAs and ASICs” in Proceedings of the 2018 on Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI (GLSVLSI, 2018).
- [17’MICRO] Caiwen Ding, Siyu Liao, Yanzhi Wang, Zhe Li, Ning Liu, Youwei Zhuo, Chao Wang, Xuehai Qian, Yu Bai, Geng Yuan, and, “CirCNN: accelerating and compressing deep neural networks using block-circulant weight matrices”, in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microarchitecture (MICRO, 2017).
- [17’MWSCAS] Geng Yuan, Caiwen Ding, Ruizhe Cai, Xiaolong Ma, Ziyi Zhao, Ao Ren, Bo Yuan, Yanzhi Wang. “Memristor crossbar-based ultra-efficient next-generation baseband processors”, in IEEE 60th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS, 2017).